Amid the coronavirus, helping out others is so important. That’s why Utah Virtual Academy still held their food pantry for families in need. To keep with social distancing, the pantry was turned into a drive-thru. ‘We felt the need to be able to provide for them the things that they need so that they are able to sustain themselves during this time,” said Student Services Administrator LuAnn Charles. We are happy to have helped over 50 families receive food during this great time of uncertainty and hardship for so many of our families. We appreciate all the support of our student’s and their families!
Feb 3rd – 7th – Join us for our School Spirit Week
Monday – Pajama Day!Wear your pjs to school! Did you know it is really important to get around 8 hours of sleep every night? Tonight, try to go to sleep early enough to get 8 hours of sleep!
Tuesday – Sports Fan Day!Wear your favorite sports team jersey, shirt, or colors! Be active today! Go for a walk, Do 50 jumping jacks, run up and down your stairs for 5 minutes, go play a sport, or whatever! Just get moving!
Wednesday – Hat and Chef Day!Wear a fun hat to school and during the day cook or bake something yummy! Share what you made with us!
Thursday – Crazy Hair Day!We are all unique and it’s okay to be different and a little crazy! Tell us what is unique and crazy about you!
Friday – UTVA Spirit Day!Wear a UTVA shirt or the UTVA colors –Purple and Black. Tell us why you are happy to be a part of UTVA!
*Send pictures to your teachers or so we can post them on social media!