K5 General Help
K5 General Help:
Attendance Page HERE
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Visit Strong Start HERE
Be Internet Awesome: A free program to teach internet safety to your children: https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/
Below are some affordable internet options for families who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch. They start as low as 9.95 a month. Call or apply online at the links below. Make sure that your family income form is current by filling out this form here Family Income Form. Please contact Melody Burum at mburum@utahvirtual.org if you need help or support on this.
DecisionData: https://decisiondata.org/internet/low-income-internet-options/
Everyone On helps families and students find different resources to have affordable internet as well as computers or other technology a student might need in their home: https://everyoneon.org/
Who is considered homeless?
Anyone who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence including:
- Sharing the housing of others due to lack of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason
- Living in motels, hotels, camping grounds or other temporary housing, due to lack of adequate alternative accommodations
- Living in emergency or transitional shelters
- Abandoned in hospitals
- Awaiting foster care placement
- Living in a public or private place not designed for humans to live
- Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, public train stations, etc.
- A migrant child who qualifies under any of the above
Educational Rights for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
- A homeless education liaison (Family Resource Officer at UTVA) in every public school
- Right to immediate enrollment in school where seeking enrollment without proof of residency, immunizations, school records, or other documents
- Right to choose between the local school where they are living, the school they attended before they lost their housing, or the school where they were last enrolled
- Right to transportation to their school of origin
- Right to be free from harassment and exclusion. Segregation based on a student’s living status and homelessness is strictly prohibited.
- Right to access educational services for which they are eligible including IDEA services, ESL, gifted and talented programs, vocational/technical education, and school nutrition programs.
- Right to be notified of their options and rights under McKinney-Vento. Family Resource Officer must post rights of students experiencing homelessness in schools and other places in the community.
- Right to have disagreements with the school settled quickly.
Acadience (formerly known as DIBELS) is Required.
For more information click HERE