Send a Message. Stay Drug Free.

Red Ribbon Week Details:
- Monday Oct. 28: Wear RED and take the Pledge to be DRUG FREE!
- Tuesday Oct. 29: Silly Sock Day
- Wednesday Oct. 30: Crazy Hair Day *Poster Contest Submissions due*
- Thursday Oct. 31: Costume Day
- Friday Nov. 1: School Spirit Day
(Wear your UTVA shirt or Purple and Black)
What you need to know:
There are 3 different age groups! K-2, 3-5, 6-8. We will have 3 winners in each group. If you win you will get a prize sent to you in the mail!
Rules and Guidelines:
One poster submission per student It must be your own, original art work You must include the red ribbon week theme on your poster “Send a message. Stay drug free.” Poster can be 8 x 11 inches or bigger Take a picture or scan in your poster for submission Posters will be judged by these things: Creativity Tie to Theme Artwork When you are done with your poster email it to
You need to include:
1. Your Name
2. Your Grade Level
3. Attach your poster
Take the Student Pledge

Take the Parent Pledge