Utah Virtual Academy is excited to recognize Daniel Sanchez with the UTVA Pantry Volunteer Shining Star Award.
Daniel is 5 years old and is in Kindergarten at UTVA. He is very outgoing and loves spending time with his family. This is his first year at UTVA and he like online school because it helps him to focus on school. His favorite part about attending UTVA is going to his classes with his friends and teachers. Daniel enjoys volunteering at the UTVA Pantry. He attended every volunteer opportunity in November. His mother says Daniel likes to help others. They have taught him at home the importance of serving others. In November Daniel helped other UTVA students create 100 personal hygiene kits to be distributed from the pantry. He also helped carry donated food to the pantry and stock shelves on the UTVA Food Bank deliver day. A third day of volunteering, Daniel wrote kind, encouraging notes and hid them in random books for students who enjoy the UTVA Pantry Library. Daniel’s excitement for volunteering is amazing. Daniel’s father is also one of our great pantry volunteers.