We have been having a lot of fun this summer with our students! In an effort to provide opportunities for summer structure, we created a “summer school” program to keep kids busy and engaged during these summer months! It has been fun to see our students learn new skills, be creative, and stay active!
In one of our K-2 Science classes, we learned about the 5 senses and then wrote poems about the summer. Look at how great these poems written by our students are? Thanks Ted and Kaiqi for sharing what summer “feels” like to you!

Some of our other fun projects came from our K-5 coding club students! They used their newly learned coding skills to create a dance party! Click the button below, make sure to have your volume on and enjoy their creation!
Our last highlighted projects come from Kaiqi and Ted. They put together these amazing report about endangered animals, the Amur Leopard and the King Cobra. We appreciate all of our students willing to share their work with us! GREAT JOB UTVA students!
Kaiqi Endangered Animal Report (1)Ted Endangered Animal Report