Challenging Minds
Creating Opportunities
Leading Change
Acadience Reading
(formerly Dibels)
Acadience Reading Overview
Acadience Reading is a universal screening and progress monitoring assessment that measures the acquisition of early literacy skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. The assessment is comprised of six brief measures that function as indicators of the essential skills that every child must master to become a proficient reader. These measures are used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy skills in order to provide timely instructional support and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties.
Acadience Reading Measures
Acadience Reading is a set of standardized indicators of
literacy skills. Designed for universal screening and progress monitoring,
Acadience Reading can help prevent reading failure and improve reading outcomes
for students in grades K–8. by design, the Acadience Reading measures are brief, powerful indicators of foundational early literacy skills that:
- are quick and efficient to administer and score;
- serve as universal screening (or benchmark assessment) and progress monitoring measures;
- identify students in need of intervention support;
- evaluate the effectiveness of interventions; and
- support the RtI/Multi-tiered model.
It is expected that each students K-5 will take the Acadience Reading assessment three times a year. This assessment will be completed in Zoom in a one-on-one setting with your teacher. For more information click HERE
Acadience Math
Acadience Math is a universal screening and progress monitoring assessment that measures the acquisition of math skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. Acadience Math includes measures for early numeracy, computation, and problem solving. The measures function as indicators of the essential skills that every child must master in order to become proficient in mathematics. These measures are used to regularly monitor the development of math skills in order to provide timely instructional support and prevent the occurrence of later math difficulties.
KEEP Assessment
In addition to Acadience Reading, Kindergarten students are expected to take the KEEP assessment at the beginning of the year and the end of the year.
Utah’s Kindergarten Entry and Exit Profle (KEEP) is intended to inform various stakeholders, such as parents, teachers, and leadership, on the academic and social-emotional development of entering and exiting kindergarten students. The information gained from the profle will be used to:
- Provide insights into current levels of academic and social-emotional performance upon entry and exit of kindergarten.
- Identify students in need of early intervention instruction and promote diferentiated instruction for all students.
- Analyze the efectiveness of programs, such as extended-day kindergarten and preschool.
- Provide opportunities for data-informed decision-making and cost-beneft analysis of early learning initiatives.
- Identify efective instructional practices or strategies for improving student achievement outcomes in a targeted manner. Understand the infuence and impact of full-day kindergarten on at-risk students in both the short- and long-term.
This assessment will be completed in Zoom. For more information on the KEEP assessment click HERE
Keep Assessment Dates:
Kiely Dewey